Sunday, February 21, 2010

Does this shirt bring out the green in

Yes, I said hair. It's green again. Now, some of you might be saying, again?! Yes, during the summer of 1987 the Sun-In Incident occurred. Remember that stuff? My hair was already blonde, but no, I needed it to be Platinum. So, I proceeded to drown it in Sun-In while hanging out at the pool. What I didn't realize was that the Sun-In mixed with all that chlorine would turn my shade a lovely green instead of platinum.

If you've been keeping up with my sporadic blog, you'll remember the "Flair" incident I last wrote about. I went back and they put some blonde highlights in it to try to take the mouse out of it. Well it worked for a bit, but now the blonde is starting to come out since the brown is fading. But, what a shock here, it's not fading evenly. So, it's brown, blonde and green in some places. The only thing I can come up with is that the brown color they put on my hair mixed with something else has caused the green color to shine on through. So, let your freak flag fly people. Band together with me, my green hair and all the other crazies of the world!

Go ahead, try to pinch me on St. Patrick's Day...I dare you!

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