Saturday, April 2, 2016

The list of Craig

OSo, the list by Craig normally gets a bad wrap. I innocently answered an ad posted for a part time/freelance job. When I had pretty much forgotten about this post when he sent me a text asking if I were still interested in the position. 

We talked back and forth on text for a day, almost constantly, back and forth. It was a witty banter and this seemed like a really cool guy. 

The conversation steered toward a more intimate level and I stopped him right there and asked if that was what he was really wanting. He said no, he wasn't opposed to that type of arrangement, but it was honestly for the job. 

We kept talking and about 9 that night, we decided to meet the next morning. I got to see if I would be a good candidate for the job. This isn't a traditional office job, so, we met in a public place, a restaurant parking lot. We began to talk and the job never once came up. He truly was the man he had sent me pictures of, so there was some relief there! 

We did a bit of talking, and a bit of kissing, but no interviewing. So, back on the job hunt. But, who knows what may come of this fella. 

Talk to me soon! 

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